Simes' Jonathan Richman Pages
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 Featured book: Gram Parsons by Sig Griffin
Published by: Sierra Books 1985
Includes an interview with Kim Fowley and a Modern Lovers publicity pic.
ISBN: 0-916003-00-0
ISBN: 0-916003-01-9 (pbk.)

 Other books
The Boy Looked At Johnny Julie Burchill and Tony Parsons 1978
Up-tight: The Story Of The Velvet Underground Victor Bockris & Gerard Malanga 1983
Lipstick Traces Greil Marcus 1989
From The Velvets To The Veltoids Clinton Heylin 1993
Road Mangler Deluxe Phil Kaufman with Colin White 11/1993
Yakety Yak Scott Cohen 1994
The Book Of Lists: The 90s Edition David Wallechinsky & Amy Wallance 1994
Rolling Stone's Alt-Rock-a-Rama Scott Schindler and The Editors of Rolling Stone 1996
Radio On: A Listener's Diary Sarah Vowell 1996
There's Something About Jonathan Tim Mitchell 1999

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