Simes' Jonathan Richman Pages
Jonathan Richman Discography - Albums, Singles, EPs, Bootlegs, Promos, Compilations, Books, Films, etc

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 Featured magazine: New York Rocker
Train Ride With Jonathan by Robin Radin 06/1979

 Other magazine articles
Sounds A Run On The Wild Side 03/07/1976
New York Rocker Transactional Analysis At Town Hall 12/1976
Sounds A Sense Of Wonder 25/06/1977
New Music Express Richman? Poor, Man 13/08/1977
New Musical Express "Time For Bed!" Said Jonathan 13/08/1977
Melody Maker In Love With The Modern World 19/09/1977
New Musical Express Jonathan Richman, Hammersmith Odeon 24/09/1977
New York Rocker A Roadrunner For Your Love 10/1977
Zigzag Jonathan 11/1977
New Musical Express Johnathan Richman, Leeds Poly 29/06/1978
Trouser Press The Modern Lovers 11/1979
New York Rocker Jonathan Richman, Bijou Café, Phil 11/1979
Creem Shoot-Out At Sesame Street 1983
Zigzag Rich Man, Poor Man 10/1984
Pulse! Jonathan Richman 10/1996
New Musical Express Advert for gig 30/09/2000

    © 1995-2023 Simon Angling